Do you want to live longer and happier life?

Hi all :-),IMG_9657-1024x682

if you want to

Live Long and Prosper

as mr. Spock using frequently in Star Trek.

You need to check out Macrobiotics :-).

Yes I know, now you will think what? He is crazy, but believe me I am not. When I first hear word macrobiotics I only imagine seed and beans without taste.

After two-years of trying to eat more healthier I can say that it’s really works. I am not saying that I am doing MB but I always saying that I am trying to eat more healthy.

Good introduction to MB is book from Carl Ferré the Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics. Carl Ferré is practicing and teaching macrobiotics for more then 20 years.

Book will help you more understand to 12 principles and it can guide you to good start. Keep in mind that nothing shouldn’t be take as doctrine. But you will find that in the book as well.

Good on this book is that it’s not only about  food but also about philosophy, universe and it will make you to think about it.  

The way the book approach you is very open and gentle. The Carl Ferré mentioning that everybody is unique and thus you need to test effects of MB on your self. By that you can determine if the effect was positive or negative and you will be able to improve your diet.

Testing it on yourself is for me the most interesting part.


Next time I should write short story what lead me to macrobiotics 🙂 But I guess that will come soon. So stay put.


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